28 January, 2011

Engineering Martyrdom

This is my final year. 8th semester and I’m supposed to be happy as I got campus placement in Nirma Chemicals when I was in 7th semester. Read on!

To me, engineering was something more related to “exciting-cum-thrilling”. It was my ecstasy and elation.

I had read, Engineering means:

1. The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building and use of engines, machines and structures

2. The practical application of scientific ideas and principles

3. A field of study or activity concerned with modification or development in a particular area.

After a jinx, I finally landed up into Engineering. No, Electrical Engineering, to be specific. After 90% completion of Engineering, I came to know what it actually is.

It is,

The immoral branch of science and technology concerned with almost nothing but fucked-up assignments, non working of machines and broken structures. And adding to it spine-chilling viva voce and semester exams where no egalitarian economy was maintained. Gulp !!!

Engineering ain’t engineering.

So much has happened after the entrance of engineering into my life, and how do I sum up the whole in a few words ? Starting with the jubilation of my birth and passing 12th standard with jinx, life has veered off a lot. And to add NaCl to the gash the cliché of classes and labs fails to cease. Huh!!! We want to say something, we want to do something, but always lulled. Amid the mêlée, let me jot down this iota:

Scene 1: Inside the Classroom

Ma’am with zest, came to the class,
We had the same shouting mass.

Micro-Processor is her subject,
But our mind gonna be midget.

She started and we embarked,
She on subject and we on cult.

ADD and SUBB, are all same,
No matter what are the names?

8-bit or 16-bit,
Horny cap is what we hit.

To store, we have REGISTER & MEMORY,
What we like is a girl in a capry.

For us, they are only the sister.

Mama Mia, she’s on shout,
Letcha tell you, we are on hoot.

She teaches us something new,
For us, it’s all phew.

She says:
Shake the mind and get the groove,
Ponder on the program on the move.

We say:
Programming is all the bluff,
What we like is the puff.

She have zeal, we have that too.
She have guts, we have that too.
She have knowledge,

Oops, we don’t have.

Though Micro is the subject,
We had never loosed the wicket.

Lecture going on on Micro Processor,
Ma’am seems like a predator,
Always kills the approacher,
But we are niche creatures.

Prof: Hello! Hello! (Strikes the duster) will u let me take the class???

To be continued...

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