19 June, 2009

R-of-L, L-of-R

Relationship - of - Love,
Love - of - Relationship.
Justify Full

In the first place,
do we really understand
the true n worthy meaning of

This shit word or say phenomenon is the ridicule datum of all cause(s). We eventually (read normally) fall into the trap of three states of consciousness together; Viz. Subconscious, present and future. They’re like the vectorial representation of three vectors heading in completely different direction. Theoretically they’ve only 120 ^ 0 (120 degree) of difference, but in reality they mean the total “life shift”. Now this means, hoping for the best, we reap the worst. But, according to me, this is normal. ‘Coz it’s not you who‘ve decided the datum or say the zero point. And for that cause, our life is a mélange of hyper dogged confusion of relationships, created by this very nature.

Emotions most ever an obstinate, is rightly said. You never know, when it came, and when u got trapped...but one definitely shall remain aware and confused, when one gonna leave it.

Emotion’s of relationship (read love) is often mixed with other feelings like guilty, obligation, non-loyalty, content, disgust, disgrace, (sometime(s) prejudice) et al. And this, effectively roots us to lower grade of relationships, where expectations does not intersect. They form the citadel of tangents at spatial. Then, by the virtue of such cult’s it becomes too difficult to ponder on the definitions, dimensions or paradigms of true relationship; ’coz of personal investment(s) of non-called emotions & feelings.

When we embarked for a true long-term relationship, (I’m talking about two opposite sex personals) we never know, when such cult got introduced somewhere in the mid-way. And then, they shall never allow you to intersect the needs of the Relationship. Have your ever noticed that you reached at a certain critical stage—a point - beyond which you simply cannot fly in the name of having Relationship?

I did.

It’s always there, we’re, at all times are showered (read wet) with horn’s of dilemma. Albeit, we never tend to cry out playing our own experiences. No doubt, very often, the answer to the next junction(s) is/are within us, and our desire to achieve those manifests remains unfolded and unturned. But when one achieve them (conditions do apply) one feel the wholeness & completeness within oneself. One understand the true worth of her/his.

I’m still despair…

At times, most loving word that we can utter in such condition to other person is “NO”, though you hate it the most. We grow in love - sometimes happily, sometimes painfully, sometimes gaining, sometimes loosing.

Why gaining? Hey, who said you’ve to loose a lot in love. And love is all about loosing yourself…its all bullshit. This is true, only when you can see your zenith, your pinnacle...else all despair. We always grow in love, you grow nirvanically, you grow spiritually, you grow sympathically, you grow literally in all sense.

But still,...at least at this very moment, I can’t sit thinking - I’m clear with all my Relationships. There’re lots of illusions which lingers and has got overloaded on my heart n mind, and hinders the clarity of Relationships (I can call it love). Though, the illusions I’ve for myself, in my take for her, carries an infinite explosion of affection for her & is a sure-shot a reflection of harmless, platonic - purity of love.

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